The Worlds First Half Granola Protein Bar

FortiFX Pretzel Protein Bar

Joseph Kania |

When you think of a protein bar, most people think tough, chewy and maybe that bad after taste of protein powder. The key to a good protein bar is making sure it is well balanced. Low sugar, moderate carbohydrates and a good bit of high quality proteins are crucial components to a well rounded protein bar.

FortiFX introduced the half protein and half granola bar. Taking the first bite you get the soft core center with a flavor packed punch. The FortiFX bar has a soft granola center filled with 20 grams of protein and just 3 grams of sugar. The FortiFX family of bars come in four delicious flavors: Peanut Butter, Chocolate Pretzel, Chocolate and Honey Almond.

Most of us live a busy lifestyle. Whether it’s busy at work, running a business, running the kids between activities, you need a good source of nutrition on-the-go. Without the luxury of the FortiFX bars, bad eating decisions can happen!

FortiFX and Commonwealth Nutrition are PA based companies, both are just outside of downtown Pittsburgh. This relationship was a no brainer! Our history runs deep as the guys (and girls) from FortiFX have built a tight relationship with us throughout many years.

Give your body the fuel it needs grab a box of FortiFX bars. A quick, delicious and easy on-the-go protein packed snack.