Our Story

Hey there! Let me share a quick story about how Commonwealth Nutrition came to be.

Back in 2008, I earned my Science degree and jumped into the engineering world. I worked alongside some brilliant mind engineers, CEOs you name it. They hammered home one lesson: never stop learning.

But then, late 2009 hit me like a ton of bricks. The recession cost me my job, and suddenly, I was an CAD drafter without any work.

One summer day in 2010, while at the gym, I heard a local supplement company needed warehouse workers. I knew the place from my college days, so I thought, Why not? I took the job. It wasn’t glamorous at first, but it was a foot in the door.

Working there, I dove deep into vitamins, supplements, diets, and exercise. I didn’t stop at the warehouse. I taught myself the ins and outs of sales, customer behavior, and marketing. I lived on YouTube tutorials and Reddit threads, soaking up everything I could.

The company grew fast from four employees to eleven. But with that rapid growth came challenges, and I saw the writing on the wall.

That’s when I pivoted to law enforcement. Helping people has always been in my DNA. Serving and protecting felt right. But over time, I realized my true passion lay elsewhere.

Fast forward to 2020. The world shut down, and like everyone else, I faced new challenges. The values drilled into me Accountability, Loyalty, Respect kept me grounded. They reminded me to stay humble, true to myself, and always lead by example.

And that’s how Commonwealth Nutrition was born. It’s not just about supplements; it’s about a journey of growth, resilience, and a commitment to helping others lead healthier lives.

Thanks for being part of our story.

Joseph Kania | Owner